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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Cours non disponible

Veuillez prendre note que ce cours n'est actuellement plus offert.


SYS865É - Mechanical and industrial characterization of metallic materials and their composites

Course to be given in English, online.

To enable the student to analyze the physical and mechanical behavior of engineered materials in relation with their production and shaping methods to support the design of new components and machines.

To achieve this objective, the following topics will be covered:

1. An overview of the parameters controlling the properties of metallic materials (such as aluminum, copper, steels and composites) will be reviewed.

2. Methods for determining elastic and plastic deformation; mechanical properties; laws governing the behavior of materials at low and high temperatures will be discussed.

3. The performance of the materials considered will be related to their production conditions (casting conditions, type of heat treatment, work hardening, etc.) and to the forming, machining, and assembling processes of the final part produced.

The course will be given in English (long distance). Some videos relating to the course will be provided with the course notes to facilitate reviewing of the procedures explained during the lectures.