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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Master in Telecommunications Network Engineering

A technician analyzes server data in a modern data center.
3094, 1560
45 credits
Session of admission and deadlines

Fall: August 1st
Winter: December 1st
Summer: April 1st
Application deadlines for international students with study permit

2nd cycle
Courses offered on days, evenings and some in an intensive format
Regime of studies
Full-time or part-time basis
Language of instruction
French for the M.Eng.
French and English for the M.A.Sc.
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Acquire a strategic and innovative vision in the field of telecommunications

In a world where telecommunications plays a leading role in virtually every aspect of life, networks that transmit data, images and voices must meet ever more ambitious challenges: they must be more reliable, ever faster and more accessible.

As a Master's student in Telecommunications Network Engineering at ÉTS, you will acquire a strategic vision of new challenges and equip yourself with the knowledge to handle them through innovation.

Why Complete a Masters in Telecommunications Engineering?

At ÉTS, you will deepen your knowledge of cyber-security and the dematerialization of telecommunications infrastructure as well as the design, characterization and modelling of wireless and optical networks. Renowned research professors will be present to support you throughout your master’s education.

In short, whether it’s to learn a new specialty, win a promotion or put yourself on the path to research and development leadership, you’ll find the knowledge you need to achieve your goals in our Master’s in Telecommunications Networks Engineering.

What will you learn in the Master’s program?

To be more specific, the Master in Engineering with a Concentration in Telecommunications Networks will allow you to:    

  • Acquire advanced knowledge in IT networking, mobile telecommunications, multimedia and systems engineering;
  • Determine the technology needs of a company;
  • Define, plan and lead projects to implement existing technologies, develop new ones or conduct applied research in various application domains of telecommunications engineering, in a world dominated by Internet technologies.

Research and Equipment

At ÉTS, telecommunications research comprises two research chairs and three laboratories that collaborate with many industrial partners. Our researchers are active in these areas of interest:

  • Stability and convergence;
  • Determination of spectrum utilization;
  • Performance; 
  • Security; 
  • Cloud computing; 
  • Virtual networks; 
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly networks;  
  • Security of networks and of cloud computing;
  • Wireless communications; 
  • Wireless and optical telecommunications; 
  • Photonics; 
  • Behavioural learning;
  • Network softwarization.

As a student in the Master's in Telecommunications Network Engineering, you will also have access to a variety of specialized equipment. For example:

  • LTCC manufacturing infrastructure, unique in Canada, for the manufacture of highly integrated, high quality RF circuits.
  • Mobile unit equipped with an 18-metre pneumatic mast which can be equipped with measurement equipment;
  • Tactical radios (Ultra Electronics); 
  • Real-time spectrum analyzer;
  • Signal generator;
  • Arbitrary functions generator;
  • Soldering workshop with microscope;
  • A characterization bench for photonic devices;
  • A silicon photonics test bench; 
  • Network technology labs including metropolitan, long-distance and submarine fibre optic transmission systems up to 100 Gbit/s;
  • Telecommunications data centres;
  • Network emulators;
  • Internet of Things networks for smart cities;
  • Mobile test infrastructure for emergency wireless communications (terrestrial and maritime), also supported using drones.

What’s the Difference between the Project Profile and the Research Profile?

The Master's program in engineering with a concentration in telecommunications networks offers both a thesis profile and a project profile. The thesis profile is focused on research and leads to the degree of Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.). The project profile allows you to specialize in a chosen area of telecommunications and leads to the degree of Master in Engineering (M. Eng.).

Who can enroll in a master’s in telecommunications engineering?

Virtually any holder of an engineering diploma or a bachelor degree in engineering may apply for admission to the master's in engineering with a concentration in telecommunications networks. 

Master's in telecommunications networks engineering with thesis (research profile)

This profile is for you if you want to continue into doctoral studies or do research and development in industry.

The research project counts for 30 of the 45 credits of this program.

Master's in telecommunications networks engineering with project (project profile)

Would you like to acquire in-depth knowledge in telecommunications?  The project profile is perfect for you!

The program totals 45 credits, including 30 or 39 credits of courses plus 6 or 15 credits of projects.

Profile type

Master's Degree with Project (courses profile) M.Eng.

The Master's Degree with Project is available in French only.

Would you like to proceed in French?

Master's Degree with Thesis (research profile) M.A.Sc.


Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)


The Master's program is designed to train engineers and other professionals who are called upon to design advanced telecommunications services that rely on Internet technologies. Students acquire advanced knowledge in networking, mobile telecommunications, multimedia and systems engineering.

Students also acquire the skills needed to determine technological requirements for specific companies, and learn to define, justify, plan and complete an implementation project involving an existing technology or applied research or development projects in fields related to telecommunications engineering in a world that is dominated by Internet technologies.

This concentration enables students to carry out simulations and experiments in a variety of technical environments characterized by the presence of multiple Internet telecommunication service providers. This program offers students numerous opportunities to establish contacts with the industrial milieu.

Admission requirements

Hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in an appropriate engineering field or in computer science with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (out of 4.3) or equivalent;

or have acquired the required knowledge, appropriate training and experience that is deemed to be relevant.

A candidate who is deemed to be inadequately prepared may be required to take upgrading courses or a preparatory course.

The candidate can be admitted on the basis of sufficient knowledge of English. In addition to the requirements of the program, the candidate must also successfully complete an out-of-program French course, appropriate to his or her level, to obtain a diploma.

Candidates admitted on the basis of English must also provide proof that a faculty member has agreed to act as their thesis supervisor.

Program Structure

  • 1 mandatory 3-hour long workshop (0 credit)
  • 1 mandatory activity (3 credits)
  • 3 or 4 optional activities (totalling at least 12 credits)
  • 1 thesis (30 credits)

What are the Career Prospects in Telecommunications Engineering?

In today’s economy, the processing and transmission of information have become an indispensable strategic issue in our professional and daily lives. Everything indicates that these needs will go on growing!   Here’s why.

In 2017, the Québec government unveiled its digital strategy, which will invest in deployment of reliable, efficient and safe digital infrastructure across its entire territory.

The Internet of Things, an emerging technology, will put pressure on telecommunications networks. It is estimated that there were about 2.5 billion connected objects in 2010, and this number is expected to reach between 30 and 50 billion by 2020. All these interconnected objects require more rugged, more reliable and especially safer telecommunications networks.  In short, the current configuration of LTE networks will have to be modified to meet all these needs.

The popularity of WAP push alert messages marked the arrival of bar codes on cellular devices. The growth of mobile e-commerce, which will generate global revenues increasing from $1,900 billion in 2016 to $4,000 billion in 2020, promises a bright future for telecommunications specialists. They will certainly be called upon to improve the timeliness and the quality of transactions. Not to mention that bar codes are also used by air and rail carriers, including for ticketing and coupons.

Finally, public security and emergency intervention forces use many protocols and specialized equipment. Despite this heterogeneity, these teams must have access to interoperable radios and be able to establish high-speed quality communications in a variety of sometimes hostile environments, some of which may be subject to spectral jammers. 

Better salaries with a Master’s

With a master's in engineering, you also have excellent salary prospects. According to the Survey on the Remuneration of Engineering Professionals in Québec (in French), conducted by Génium360, graduates with a Master of Engineering earn, on average, 10% more than bachelor graduates.

Professional Recognition

Did you know that a Master’s in Engineering can give you experience credits of up to 12 months? To learn more, we invite you to consult the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Are you looking for a project for your master’s program?

Are you looking for a research project for your master's program?  Visit the Research Projects for Students page where faculty who are recruiting students post opportunities. 

Have you found a thesis supervisor?

You must have chosen your thesis supervisor before the end of your first semester of master’s studies, because this is a condition of registration for the second semester. We strongly recommend you begin your search before your first semester of master’s studies. For more information, see Find a Thesis Supervisor


Contact us for more information about our programs.