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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Wavelet-based surface analysis of printed silver inks under different curing temperatures

Targeted study program
Masters with project
Research domains
Innovative materials and advanced manufacturing
Software Systems, Multimedia and Cybersecurity
Sensors, Networks and Connectivity

This project aims to study the behavior of the surface structure of printed silver inks cured at different temperatures using advanced wavelet analysis techniques. The study will focus on two primary objectives. First, we will obtain high-resolution images of the samples under various temperature conditions. These samples will include different concentrations of the same material as well as samples composed of different materials. This diversity will allow for a comprehensive analysis of surface defects across a range of conditions. Second, the acquired images will undergo detailed analysis using wavelet analysis. This involves selecting appropriate wavelet functions and developing a precise methodology to identify and characterize surface defects. The goal is to enhance defect detection accuracy, providing a reliable quality control measure for printed silver inks cured at different temperatures.

Required knowledge

  1. Image Processing
  2. Signal Processing
  3. Programming
  4. Wavelet Analysis