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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Master in Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety

Engineering students engage in hands-on construction learning.
3094, 1560
45 credits
Session of admission and deadlines

Fall: August 1st
Winter: December 1st
Summer: April 1st
Application deadlines for international students with study permit

2nd cycle
Courses offered on days, evenings and some in an intensive format
Regime of studies
Full-time or part-time basis
Language of instruction
French for the M.Eng.
French and English for the M.A.Sc.
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Improve Occupational Health and Safety results

Every year approximately 90,000 people fall victim to a work-related accident or illness. Of this number, 200 will lose their lives. However, although there is still much to be done, the bottom line is improving: workplace accidents have dropped by 40% since the turn of the millennium.

Behind this improvement are professionals who strive to design devices and standards to protect workers, as well as safer production systems and equipment. With an ÉTS Master in Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety, you could be one of these people who are making a difference.

About the Master in Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety

Our master's degree program in occupational health and safety engineering will help you acquire new specialized professional engineering knowledge and skills in the field of occupational health and safety and the control of industrial systems.

You will specialize in the design and improvement of processes, standards and technical specifications of industrial systems and equipment.  You will work to eliminate, reduce or control risks and exposures that are potentially harmful to human beings, the property of others or the environment.

As this graduate program was developed from the requirements of the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP), it will assist in obtaining the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) credential.

Are you interested in working in occupational health and safety? Hoping to earn yourself a promotion or do research? Our master's program will help you attain new professional heights.

What will you learn in the Master’s program?

In the ÉTS Master’s program in Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, you will acquire advanced knowledge in: 

  • The ergonomics of industrial processes; 
  • Noise and vibration in the industrial environment; 
  • The design of tools and equipment; 
  • Legislation and standardization in occupational safety; 
  • The safety of automated electrical systems; 
  • Industrial environmental management;  
  • Fire safety and protection.

In addition, as our professors conduct research in partnership with industry, you will learn to solve real-world problems.

What degrees provide admission to the program?

This program is aimed at holders of an engineering diploma or a bachelor's degree in engineering, pure sciences, applied sciences, exercise science, occupational medicine, environmental science or administrative sciences.

What’s the Difference between the Project Profile and the Research Profile?

Our master's program in occupational health and safety engineering includes two profiles: one with thesis and the other with project. The thesis profile is focused on research and leads to the degree of Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.). The project profile will allow you to specialize in a particular area of occupational health and safety engineering and will lead to the degree of Master in Engineering (M.Eng.).

Master in Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety (research profile)

This profile is for you if you want to continue into doctoral studies or do research and development in industry.

This profile totals 45 credits, including 15 vcredits of courses and 30 credits for the research project.

Master in Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety (project profile)

The project profile offers you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of occupational health and safety engineering, allowing you to specialize in a particular area while initiating you into doing research.

The program totals 45 credits, including 6 or 15 credits for the application project and 30 or 39 credits for courses.

Profile type

Master's Degree with Project (courses profile) M.Eng.

The Master's Degree with Project is available in French only.

Would you like to proceed in French?

Master's Degree with Thesis (research profile) M.A.Sc.


Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Program Objectives

The program offers students the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills to perform specialized professional engineering activities in the field of occupational health and safety and the control of industrial systems, including:

  • the design and improvement of processes, standards and technical specifications of industrial systems and equipment with the aim of eliminating, reducing and controlling risks and exposures potentially harmful to human beings,
  • the property of others and the environment.

This program was developed from the requirements of the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP), with the goal of assisting students in obtaining the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) credential.

Admission Requirements

Hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in engineering, in pure science, applied science, human kinetics, occupational medecine, environmental science, business administration in an appropriate field, with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (out of 4.3) or equivalent;

or have acquired the required knowledge, appropriate training and experience that is deemed to be relevant.

A candidate who is deemed to be inadequately prepared may be required to take upgrading courses or a preparatory course.

The candidate can be admitted on the basis of sufficient knowledge of English. In addition to the requirements of the program, the candidate must also successfully complete an out-of-program French course, appropriate to his or her level, to obtain a diploma.

Candidates admitted on the basis of English must also provide proof that a faculty member has agreed to act as their thesis supervisor.

Program Structure

  • 1 mandatory 3-hour long workshop (0 credit)
  • 1 mandatory activity (3 credits)
  • 3 or 4 optional activities (totalling at least 12 credits)
  • 1 thesis (30 credits)

Career Perspectives in Occupational Health and Safety

Graduates with a Master of Engineering in Occupational Health and Safety can hold the following jobs: 

  • Occupational health and safety consultant; 
  • Inspector at Québec’s CNESST (the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail) or a similar public organization; 
  • Counselor in a joint association for occupational health and safety. 
Professional Recognition

Did you know that a Master’s in Engineering can give you experience credits of up to 12 months? To learn more, we invite you to consult the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Are you looking for a project for your master’s program?

Are you looking for a research project for your master's program?  Visit the Research Projects for Students page where faculty who are recruiting students post opportunities. 

Have you found a thesis supervisor?

You must have chosen your thesis supervisor before the end of your first semester of master’s studies, because this is a condition of registration for the second semester. We strongly recommend you begin your search before your first semester of master’s studies. For more information, see Find a Thesis Supervisor


Contact us for more information about our programs.