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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Master in Aerospace Engineering

Students engage with flight simulation technology.
3235, 1560
45 credits
Session of admission and deadlines

Fall: August 1st
Winter: December 1st
Summer: April 1st
Application deadlines for international students with study permit

2nd cycle
Courses offered on days, evenings and some in an intensive format
Regime of studies
Full-time or part-time basis
Language of instruction
French for the M.Eng.
French and English for the M.A.Sc.
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Aerospace at ÉTS: three major specialties, 50 professors and 70 industrial partners

At ÉTS, research in aerospace engineering involves more than 50 professors, 11 research chairs and 14 specialized research units who collaborate with nearly 70 industrial partners. Our researchers are active in three major areas: advanced materials and manufacturing; avionics and control; and design, simulation and optimization.

By undertaking a master's degree in aerospace engineering with us, you will have a chance to deepen your knowledge with renowned teachers and find tangible solutions to industry challenges.

Does the environmental footprint of aeronautics concern you? Do you believe drones could one day be used for satellite maintenance? Would you like to learn more about smart materials and their impact on the performance and durability of aircraft? Then the ÉTS Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering will be just what you are looking for! 

What Will You Learn in the Master’s Program?

Thanks to the expertise of our faculty and their industry experience, you will be able to:  

  • Design, manufacture and model components; 
  • Simulate the operation of aircraft; 
  • Determine companies’ needs in aerospace technology and provide solutions; 
  • Acquire advanced knowledge in one or several areas, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering and automated production engineering.

You will have access to state-of-the-art equipment, including flight simulators, a subsonic wind tunnel, drones, robotic cells and 3D printers, to name just a few.   

What Degrees Provide Admission to the Master’s in Aerospace Engineering?

Since aerospace requires a variety of complementary expertise, most holders of an engineering degree can register: whether you studied electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, information technology engineering, operations and logistics engineering or automated production engineering.

AÉROÉTS: Bringing Together the Driving Forces in Aerospace

Master’s students in aerospace engineering can become members of AÉROÉTS, a group that brings together our aerospace faculty, researchers and students.

As a member of AÉROÉTS, you will attend conferences and participate in industrial visits, workshops and networking activities. Besides helping you build a network of professional contacts, these activities will keep you informed about career prospects, issues and innovations in the aerospace industry.

AÉROÉTS members may also be eligible for internship projects offered by the Montreal Aerospace Institutes with partners including Bell Helicopter, Bombardier, CAE, Pratt & Whitney and Siemens. These offers supplement those advertised through the ÉTS co-operative education department. Each year, more than 500 ÉTS students complete internships within more than 40 of the many Montréal aerospace sector companies.

What’s the Difference between the Project Profile and the Research Profile?

Our master's program in aerospace engineering includes two profiles: one with a thesis and the other with a project. The thesis profile focuses on research and leads to the degree of Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.).  The project profile will allow you to specialize in a particular area of Aerospace Engineering and will lead to the degree of Master in Engineering (M. Eng.). 

Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering with Thesis (research profile)

This profile is for you if you want to continue into doctoral studies or conduct research and development in industry.

The research project counts for 30 of the 45 credits of this program.

Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering with Project (project profile)

Would you like to specialize and become an aerospace expert? The practical and theoretical courses in the project profile will help you deepen your knowledge. You can even put them into practice with a paid industry internship and/or a project in an ÉTS research laboratory.

Since this program is offered in collaboration with five other Québec universities, you will need to choose two specialization courses given in different universities. This means you will have access to a wide choice of subjects, in addition to being able to follow one or two courses at an English-speaking university. A case study course, offered by professionals from the program’s industry partners, is also compulsory.

The program totals 45 credits, including 33 to 39 credits of courses plus 6 to 12 credits of courses or projects.

Profile type

Master's Degree with Project (courses profile) M.Eng.

The Master's Degree with Project is available in French only.

Would you like to proceed in French?

Master's Degree with Thesis (research profile) M.A.Sc.


Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)

Program Objectives

The Master's program with thesis trains specialists in the field of aerospace engineering who have a propensity for designing, manufacturing and modeling components or for simulating aircraft operations. Graduates have the competencies required to determine the aerospace technology needs of companies and to respond to these needs. Students who enroll in this multidisciplinary program acquire advanced knowledge in one or several fields, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering and automated manufacturing engineering.

Admission requirements

Hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in engineering, pure science or applied science in an appropriate field, with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (out of 4.3) or equivalent;

or have acquired the required knowledge, appropriate training and experience that is deemed to be relevant.

A candidate who is deemed to be inadequately prepared may be required to take upgrading courses or a preparatory course.

The candidate can be admitted on the basis of sufficient knowledge of English. In addition to the requirements of the program, the candidate must also successfully complete an out-of-program French course, appropriate to his or her level, to obtain a diploma.

Candidates admitted on the basis of English must also provide proof that a faculty member has agreed to act as their thesis supervisor.

Program Structure

  • 1 mandatory 3-hour long workshop (0 credit)
  • 1 mandatory activity (3 credits)
  • 3 or 4 optional activities (totalling at least 12 credits)
  • 1 thesis (30 credits)

What are the career prospects in aerospace engineering?

In addition to ranking 6th globally in staffing levels, the Québec aerospace industry is responsible for 70% of all R & D performed in Canada. The aerospace sector in Québec is renowned for its highly qualified workforce.  In Québec, one person in 200 works in this sector, which is the highest sectoral employment density in the world.

Montréal is one of the three major aerospace centres in the world. There are four prime contractors and fifteen world class OEM’s, system integrators and MRO’s established in the area. They are supported by a network of nearly 200 subcontractors and suppliers. More than 70 of these companies work with ÉTS, either by offering internships in industry or carrying out projects with our researchers. These include:  

  • Bell Helicopter Textron Canada
  • Bombardier Aerospace
  • CAE Inc.
  • Esterline CMC Electronics
  • General Electric Canada - Aviation
  • Héroux-Devtek
  • L-3 MAS
  • MDA Satellite Systems
  • Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (Safran Group)
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada
  • Rolls-Royce Canada
  • Siemens Canada
  • Thales Canada, Aeronautics
Professional Recognition

Did you know that a Master’s in Engineering can give you experience credits of up to 12 months? To learn more, we invite you to consult the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Are you looking for a project for your master’s program?

Are you looking for a research project for your master's program?  Visit the Research Projects for Students page where faculty who are recruiting students post opportunities. 

Have you found a thesis supervisor?

You must have chosen your thesis supervisor before the end of your first semester of master’s studies, because this is a condition of registration for the second semester. We strongly recommend you begin your search before your first semester of master’s studies. For more information, see Find a Thesis Supervisor


Contact us for more information about our programs.