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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

Electrical Engineering Research and Innovation Intelligent and Autonomous Systems SYNCHROMEDIA – Multimedia Communication in Telepresence

Understanding the Future of 5G and Beyond Networks

Connected city thanks to 5G

With the ever-increasing demand for faster and more reliable mobile networks—driven by the proliferation of high-performance user devices and greater connectivity—the telecommunications industry is focused on revolutionizing network management systems. One significant initiative in this realm is the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN), which offers a new architecture promising enhanced 5G and beyond network services. O-RAN is characterized by two key concepts: openness, which eliminates vendor lock-in and allows network components to be more interchangeable, and in-built intelligence, which uses operational and performance data to optimize network resources.

Challenges in Machine Learning for O-RAN

Despite O-RAN's potential, it faces notable challenges, particularly in deploying effective Machine Learning (ML) models. Traditional centralized ML approaches—which rely on transferring large amounts of data to central servers for training—are increasingly unsuitable due to privacy concerns, computational burdens, and communication overhead. This is especially problematic for O-RAN's built-in Radio Intelligent Controllers (RICs) that paves the way for distributed ML model training and inference hosts across the multiple network layers. Moreover, an O-RAN systems is challenging due to several factors:

  1. Stringent Control Loops: O-RAN's intelligent control loops have tight deadlines, making timely model training essential.
  2. Resource Constraints: Edge compute resources are expensive, and communication bandwidth is limited.
  3. Accuracy and Convergence: ML models must achieve acceptable accuracy levels efficiently trained on multiple vendor localized data collection points.
O-RAN framework
Figure 1: O-RAN system [1]

Federated Learning: A Promising Solution

Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a powerful distributed ML training method that addresses these challenges. Unlike traditional centralized learning, FL trains ML models locally on edge devices. It only shares model updates rather than raw data, enhancing privacy and reducing communication costs. This makes FL particularly well suited for O-RAN, where fast and secure model training is critical for applications such as Quality of Experience (QoE) optimization, Service Level Agreements (SLA) compliance, and Smart Radio Resource Management (sRRM) with real-time monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

However, implementing FL in O-RAN requires tackling the following research questions:

  1. How to allocate the O-RAN resources required to train such a model.
  2. How to meet the stringent deadlines of O-RAN control loops that automate network performance while training an FL model.
  3. How to guarantee the convergence of this model with accuracy.
Federated learning integrated in O-RAN
Figure 2: Federated Learning in O-RAN RICs

Introducing MCORANFed

To address these challenges, our research proposes a new FL training method called MCORANFed [2] (Momentum Compressed O-RAN FL). This method leverages advanced techniques to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of FL in O-RAN systems.

Key features and contributions of MCORANFed include:

  1. Second Order Gradient Descent: MCORANFed uses a second-order momentum gradient descent method, which improves the convergence rate of the training process.
  2. Compression Techniques: By using random sparsification compression, the method reduces communication costs significantly, while maintaining high training performance.
  3. Joint Optimization Problem: The research formulates a comprehensive optimization problem aimed at minimizing both the resource usage cost and the total learning time. This problem considers constraints such as limited bandwidth, selected local trainers and compression parameters.
  4. Decomposition Method: The proposed solution uses a decomposition method to first identify a near-optimal set of local trainers, and then optimally allocate computing and bandwidth resources.
  5. Algorithm Development: An updated FL algorithm, MCORANFed is developed to iteratively train the model through several rounds of local and global updates.
  6. Experimental Validation: Extensive experiments demonstrate that MCORANFed is more communication-efficient and achieves faster convergence rates compared to state-of-the-art FL variants like MFL, FedAvg, and ORANFed.

Impact and Future Directions

Our research highlights the first successful integration of acceleration and compression techniques in FL specifically tailored for O-RAN systems. By addressing the unique constraints of O-RAN, MCORANFed represents a significant step forward in the deployment of ML models for advanced 5G networks. This work lays the foundations for further innovations in distributed ML training, potentially benefiting a wide range of applications, from smart radio resource management to real-time network optimization.

In conclusion, MCORANFed provides a promising approach to overcoming key challenges in deploying FL within O-RAN, paving the way for more efficient, secure, and high-performing 5G and beyond networks. As telecommunications continue to evolve, such advancements will be crucial in meeting the growing demand for connectivity and performance in the digital age, while meeting privacy concerns.

Additional Information

For more information on this research, please read reference [2].


[1] O-RAN: https://specifications.o-ran.org/download?id=641

[2] A. K. Singh and K. K. Nguyen, "Communication Efficient Compressed and Accelerated Federated Learning in Open RAN Intelligent Controllers," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2024.3384839.