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51 Résultats pour : « Portes ouvertes »

L'ÉTS vous donne rendez-vous à sa journée portes ouvertes qui aura lieu sur son campus à l'automne et à l'hiver : Samedi 18 novembre 2023 Samedi 17 février 2024 Le dépôt de votre demande d'admission à un programme de baccalauréat ou au cheminement universitaire en technologie sera gratuit si vous étudiez ou détenez un diplôme collégial d'un établissement québécois.

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  • NUMÉRIX - Organizational Engineering Research Laboratory for the Digital Enterprise

Organizational Engineering Research Laboratory for the Digital Enterprise

About Numérix

Created in 2012, the Numérix Laboratory specializes in innovative organizational engineering, focusing primarily on digital enterprises. The team applies a systemic and integrative approach to research and development projects related to methodologies, models and cutting-edge tools for optimizing the configuration and integrated management of organizational activities.

Numérix focuses on manufacturing and service organizations within the context of digital transformation, sustainable development and innovation. Our research in the area of digital transformation involves the effective integration into organizations of digital technologies for designing products or services, manufacturing systems (3D design and simulation) and supply chains, and for optimizing flow and planning manufacturing, storage and transportation operations (mathematical and analytic data optimization), among other aspects

Research infrastructure

Working with Numérix entails having access to a variety of specialized software applications, including the following:

ERP/SCM - Enterprise Resource Planning/Supply Chain Management: Odoo, GENIUS, SAP S4 HANA
APS – Advanced Planning and Scheduling: PREACTOR
IE – Innovation Engineering: Private Innovation Competence Center
Optimization Solvers: ILOG-CPLEX, LINGO, FICO Xpress Mosel
Discrete Event Simulation: AnyLogic, ARENA
PLM – Product Lifecycle Management: 3DExperience, TeamCenter
CAD – Computer Aided Design: Catia, SolidEdge, SolidWorks

Numérix also uses ColLabInnov to promote innovative collaboration.

This innovative collaboration laboratory is a prototype decision theatre that supports research into planning and decision-making within a context involving multiple stakeholders in a complex decision-making process. This approach applies where large volumes of diversified information must be analyzed, varying objectives and issues must be considered and important decisions must be made in real time or remotely, etc.

Faculty presenting to students in a high-tech university classroom.


Some of the researchers at Numérix Laboratory offer consulting services to targeted sectors. Please feel free to contact them:

  • Planning, design and optimization of plant and warehouse operations (Yvan Beauregard, Lucas Hof)
  • Mapping and reengineering of business processes (Yvan Beauregard, Louis Rivest)
  • Advice and coaching related to enterprise engineering and organizational transformation, coaching related to IT/IS and digital strategy (Lucas Hof, Louis Rivest)
  • Project and risk management consulting (Yvan Beauregard)
  • Cost reduction consulting (Yvan Beauregard)
  • Generating innovative technical solutions for structured and systematic innovations (Lucas Hof)

Join the Laboratory!

Planning of plant and warehouse operations, optimization of transportation operations, mapping of business processes – Numérix undertakes numerous, diversified and stimulating projects in many fields of application.

Numérix is a dynamic lab that offers a multitude of possibilities for students who are interested in research. We are also open to taking on the role of researchers and/or consultants in collaboration with industrial partners.

Contact information

Tasseda Boukherroub, Laboratory Head
Phone: 514 396-8562
Fax: 514 396-8684

355, Peel Street
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 2H8